Designing office space to support neurodiversity in the workplace

Creating office space that supports neurodiversity is crucial for fostering an inclusive, productive, and harmonious work environment. Neurodiversity encompasses a range of neurological differences, including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other cognitive variations. These differences mean that individuals have unique needs and preferences when it comes to their working environments. By designing office space with neurodiversity … Continued

Designing workspace for wellbeing

Designing workspace with a focus on employee wellbeing is a crucial aspect of fostering a positive and productive work environment. The physical environment plays a significant role in influencing an individual’s mental and emotional state, directly impacting their overall wellbeing. By incorporating thoughtful design elements, organisations can create workspaces that promote health, happiness, and productivity … Continued

How to create motivational office space

Creating office space that inspires and motivates employees is crucial for fostering productivity, creativity, and a positive working environment. A well-designed office goes beyond aesthetics; it’s about fostering a culture of collaboration, comfort, and purpose. Here’s a closer look at how office space can be a powerful motivational tool: The layout and design of an … Continued

How to improve your office environment

We know that it is important to keep your office environment to a high standard. But why is it so important? Why it is essential to improve your office environment Evidence suggests that a positive work environment can reduce stress and improve productivity and morale. Moreover, by creating a positive office environment, you are creating … Continued

Boosting wellbeing and productivity through office design

How science and design can unite to create improved and more productive office space. There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that certain design features – rooms with particular layouts, lighting with specific colour temperatures – can actually trigger the brain to release a shot of dopamine, the pleasure chemical, enhancing people’s focus … Continued

Is your office environment motivational?

There are various factors businesses have to take into account when it comes to getting the best out of their people, one of which is the working environment. With recent research underlining how significant this particular consideration can be, is it time your firm started paying more attention to how the workspace is influencing and … Continued